Building a Better World For Sex Workers to Live, Work & Thrive On Our Terms.
Maggie's Toronto Sex Workers Action Project is a Toronto-based non-profit organization and registered charity. We are the nation's oldest sex worker justice initiative offering wrap-around services and life affirming care to current and former sex workers across Toronto and the GTA.

Ballroom Empowerment Programming
Our Ballroom Empowerment Program is the first of its kind in Canada, directly engaging QT/BIPOC, LGBTQ2s+, youth and community across local houses through collective safety planning, community-driven workshops for personal/professional development, twice-weekly drop in programming, with the goal of improving access to harm reduction + public health materials, referrals and life-affirming care.

Case Management Programming
Our Case Management Programming delivers wrap around, multilingual supports to current/former sex workers across the GTA looking for 1:1 support on wide-ranging themes from systems navigation, application and accompaniment to legal/medical/general appointments, life and family planning, financial empowerment and more.

Drop In & Parenting Programming
Our Drop In Parenting Programming provides community-specific space, connection, workshops, educational materials and access to our wrap-around supports to current/former sex working parents, caregivers, chosen family and more. Through weekly drop in programming and monthly workshops, the programming also works to provide access to consistent, healthy meals, healthcare services and more.

HIV/Harm Reduction Programming
Our HIV/Harm Reduction Programming is one of the first programs to develop out of Maggie's through the Prostitutes Safe Sex Project. The program specifically engages male-identified current/former sex workers through drop in programming, workshops, creative arts and multimedia programming and weekly outreach to sex positive venues such as bars, sex clubs and local bathhouses where we distribute harm reduction supplies, educational materials and referrals to our wrap-around services.

Street Outreach & Community Engagement Pilot Program
Our Street Outreach and Community Engagement Pilot Program is redefining street outreach, challenging harmful "peer" models of community engagement and working to connect , support and build relationships with street-based sex workers, offer direct and ongoing follow up in collaboration with our Case Management Program and develop volunteer, professional development and training opportunities for community members to collaborate on outreach strategy, training, development and more.

Community, Organization & Service Provider Workshops
Across our five (5) core programs and services, we offer Best Practices Training tailored to the training, development and contextual needs of non-profit organizations, harm reduction/outreach staff, service providers engaging sex workers and policy makers at the local, provincial and federal level.
Our team offers ongoing consultation to organizations, service providers, local, provincial and federal representatives/committees on sex worker justice frameworks and sex worker-led interventions.

Vaccine Clinics, Testing & Healthcare Access
We offer monthly vaccine and testing clinics to current/former sex workers and their families in collaboration with sex positive (sex work positive) healthcare workers and culturally-specific community health centres.
Since 2020 our community clinics have helped more than 6,000 community members access vital forms of testing, vaccination, referrals, and more, offering low-barrier, confidential services,

Social, Political &
Legal Advocacy
We're engaged in advocacy for the full decriminalization of sex work to remove harmful criminal laws that create precarious and unstable working conditions for our communities.
At the National level we work with the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform to identify and address harmful policy decisions and legal/regulatory frameworks.
At the local/provincial level we work to address policy interventions and municipal regulation impacting sex workers across explicitly regulated and unregulated industries.

Harm Reduction Supply Delivery + Event/Venue Collaborations
Sex workers are safe sex pros- our health, wellness and livelihood depends on access to harm reduction supplies, education and sex positive healthcare services.
To reduce barriers to access, we offer a free Harm Reduction Supply Home Delivery Program for sex workers living in the City of Toronto and parts of the GTA.
For sex positive venues, events and related businesses, we fulfill larger-scale harm reduction supply orders, host harm reduction counters, and offer on site harm reduction training, monitoring services and more.

Bad Date List Access + Reporting Support/Aftercare
We work with the Bad Date Coalition to disseminate the local Bad Date List to sex workers interested in reporting/keeping up to date.
We are able to support community members in filing reports for the Bad Date List and offer ongoing support around reporting violence, navigating the civil/criminal legal system and identify considerations around navigating the aftermath of physical, sexual and other forms of violence against sex workers.

Legal Resources, Referrals and Supports
The legal regulation of our work is complicated. We offer resources, workshops and supports to sex workers looking to understand what the criminalization of sex work in Canada means for them and how to navigate a wide-range of experiences with law enforcement at the local/provincial and federal level.
We also offer accompaniment services to community members and resources related to the legal contexts current/former sex workers should be aware of when it comes to housing, family law, navigating targeted forms of discrimination.

Contact Us
Looking for more information on our work, programs, services and advocacy for sex workers across Toronto and the GTA?
Give us a call at +1-416-964-0150 or connect via email at info@maggiesto.org.
Our Resources and Supports for Sex Workers
What do criminal laws around sex work mean for me and how I work?

We have a spark notes resource for sex workers looking to understand the implications of Bill C-36: The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA) on our ability to work in areas such as:
Communicating for the purposes of selling your own sexual services.
Advertising your own sexual services.
Working with other providers under the current legal framework and more.
We also have in depths resources from the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform to help sex workers better understand each area of the law impacted by Bill C-36.
What do I need to know about border crossing and sex work?

Increasingly sex workers have reported struggles with international travel, flagging the rise of artificial intelligence and biometric identification tools (using specific features, body parts, etc. to identify a person) used for the purposes of policing.
Our Border Crossing resources feature key considerations for sex workers in a few specific contexts:
Crossing the Canada-USA Border and what to expect if searched, questioned, detained or banned.
Travelling to Popular Holiday Destinations and International overviews of sex work regulation.
What do I need to know about other areas of law and sex work?

The criminalization of sex work and resulting forms of stigma and prejudice against our communities shapes how other areas of the law, and important systems such as housing tribunals, landlord and tenant boards and child welfare services engage us in separate contexts.
Our Resource Page includes additional materials for current and former sex workers looking to understand how current, former or suspected sex work may impact our experiences with child and family law, housing policy/evictions and more.
All sex workers deserve to lead lives free of stigma, violence and targeted discrimination.
Until we win, we keep each other safe: know your rights, share resources, get connected for supports.

About Us
Maggie's Toronto Sex Workers Action Project is Canada's oldest sex worker justice initiative offering wrap-around services, and life-affirming care to current and form sex workers across Toronto and the GTA.
Whether you're new to sex work, looking to transition between industries, or explore what life outside of sex work may look like for you, we're here to support and empower you to live, work and thrive on your terms!
From street outreach and harm reduction services/supports to case management, drop in programming and community-specific resources for parents, QT/BIPOC sex workers and male-identified workers, at the core of our work is an earnest belief that sex workers themselves are best equipped to determine what safety, dignity and community connection means to us.

Maggie's is led by a Board of Directors guiding the strategic development of our work, a Leadership Team overseeing our operations, programming and services, Program Staff on the frontline of service delivery and a dedicated team of volunteers and Placement Students.
Learn more about our team and get in touch!